Welcome to United Way of the Wine Country's e-Pledge!
Please log in below with your User ID and Password.
As a reminder for tax reporting purposes, you should have received an email confirmation of any online donation. For employee donors, you can refer to your W-2 for payroll deduction donation amounts, or contact United Way for a gift confirmation and tax receipt.For nonprofit agencies, your User ID is your United Way Wine Country account number. Agency reports will only be available for 60 days. If you need a copy of these reports after this period, please contact us at customer.service@unitedwaywinecountry.org or 707-528-4485.
IMPORTANT: Please DO NOT use your browser's Back/Forward buttons. It may result in a loss of data or being logged out of the site. Please use the Next/Back buttons on the entry pages of the site.
If you have any questions regarding your United Way of the Wine Country activity, please contact our Donor Services at customer.service@unitedwaywinecountry.org.